Monthly Archives: August 2021

Marital faithfulness

Zech. 14; Malachi 1, 2

God issued a reproof to the priests through this prophet … they were unfaithful to their wives. God made it clear that “Godly offspring” was a priority of His. The sanctity and security of a faithful home is the seedbed for Godly children.

We may underestimate the importance of raising of our children to serve the Lord. A Christian School such as Trinity, Bible-based Sunday School, and children’s ministry are tools God provides to parents to assist in this process. A home where marital unfaithfulness exists can damage God’s reputation in the heart of a child.

The Messiah revealed

Zech. 10-13

Sadly, most Jews want NOTHING to do with Christ Jesus, the Messiah. Their God-given natural giftings are applied to other pursuits and they usually find success therein. (Both of my oncologists are Jewish … they are excellent physicians for whom I am grateful)

Zechariah speaks of a day when the Jews will finally see Christ Jesus as their Messiah. It’s as if the blinders will be removed from their eyes. Until then, we gentiles are the recipients of God’s fullness. Nevertheless, we continue to witness to them. Pray for me as I share Christ with my cancer doctors, Dr. Gerald Goldklang and Dr. Scott Solomon. I love and respect them so much.

The Prophetic Voice

Zechariah 7-9

This prophet wrote the accurate and insightful words, “See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey.” Could he have known the consequence of his words? Did he understand that he was predicting that Jesus would enter Jerusalem in this manner? We wonder.

A noble goal for the New Testament Christian is to have a close walk with the Lord through unceasing prayer and daily meditation upon His Word. We can likewise be voices for God. David said, “My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer. [Ps. 45:1]

The Branch

Zechariah 3-6

Zechariah joins Isaiah and Jeremiah in referring to Christ Jesus as God’s Righteous Branch. “He will reign as King.” Zechariah alludes to the temple He will build. [6:12]

We are the temple Christ is building. We are not a “bricks and mortar” building, but we are “being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” [1 Pet. 2:5] We are “lively stones” or stones that are alive. Each stone is essential. Can you imagine a wall with stones missing? No!

Treat your Christian brother and sister as an important, lively stone that has a critical placement in God’s House.

“I am coming!”

Zechariah 1, 2

This prophet was given an urgent message to tell … “I am coming!” We know that Christ Jesus came to dwell among God’s people. We also know He intends to come again. What a beautiful phrase … Coming Again.

All we have are the prophecies and descriptions given us in God’s Word, but we can be assured that God keeps His promises. Christ Jesus is Coming Again.

In the parable of the ten virgins, we know that readiness is imperative for the believer to fully experience God’s best. We are wise to place spiritual vigilance in the driver’s seat of our daily existence. Prayer and devotion to God’s Word are critical.

Lord Jesus, we be ready!

Whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on

Haggai 1, 2

Elvis didn’t invent shakin’.

The shakings and refinings of the Lord are a major theme of this minor prophet. When being shook, the Christian can rest assured that whatever is shaken loose was not securely attached. It was of little eternal value.

It’s not pleasant to be shaken. We find comfort knowing that God is the One doing the shaking.

Hold on the those things eternal. Let the rest go.

From judgement to blessing


After leveling judgement against His people, God forecasts His blessings upon them when they turn from their idolatry and worship Him with purity of heart.

This is the process every Christian goes through to become a new creation in Christ. The way of the transgressor is hard, but the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. [ Prov. 13:15; 4:18]

Christ has removed the sting of death and given us hope of eternal life and a home in Heaven. Jerusalem is nothing special … I’ve been there … but the New Jerusalem coming down from God out of Heaven … that will be SPECIAL!

Holy optimism

Habakkuk 1-3

This prophet’s attitude toward life’s challenges is exemplary. He had a confidence in God to avenge him and his nation from their adversaries. In fact, he said, “I will wait patiently for the day of calamity to come upon the nation invading us.”

While we are still in our dilemma, we can maintain our faith in a God Who will ALWAYS come to our rescue. We wait patiently for our health, our finances, our joy, our heavenly answer.

What do we do while we wait? WE REJOICE IN THE LORD!

The destiny of cities

Nahum 1-3

This minor prophet’s (small book) message was directed to the city of Ninevah after Jonah had preached to it. Their repentance was not enduring. They were IN TROUBLE, because God said, “I am against you.”

God has a focus on cities … concentrations of many people in a certain location. What’s the character of your city? What is it known for? Is it headed in the right direction?

Seeing God’s attitude toward a city, we should therefore assume a prayer concern for OUR CITY. We should be involved with our local church’s evangelistic and benevolence outreach to that city.

God LOVES people and we should too. We should love our city and the people in it. We can begin with our neighbors.

A life posture for the end times

Micah 7

THIS is a beautiful chapter revealing the hope and anticipation the prophet had for his future. Although he exposed the corruption present all around him, God gave him a spiritual optimism about the future.

“But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord,  I wait for God my Savior;  my God will hear me.”

His expression, “I watch in hope for the Lord,” identifies a lifetime prayer posture. With every challenge life brings, we can likewise commit it to God in prayer and then watch in hope. This is a life of faith and trust. It pleases God and invites His victorious involvement in our daily lives.