Monthly Archives: May 2020

Deceiving spirits

1 Timothy 1-4

Deceiving spirits motivate people to do weird things.

One look at the rioters seen on TV during this tense reaction to the Floyd death reveals many mixed motives and lustful activities that entirely cloud the true issues of the matter. It’s sad.

Where is the forgiveness? “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.”

Idle and disruptive

2 Thess. 3

There was an element in the church at Thessaloniki that Paul called “idle and disruptive.” He said, “If you don’t work, you don’t eat.”

There are legitimate issues in the current Floyd death situation in Minnesota that need addressing and deserve understanding and change. However, the extremely disruptive and destructive rioting there, in my opinion, does not help the cause. It coarsely gains attention, but merely adds to the confusion of what the root issues are.

God’s Holy Spirit is the great equalizer. He will deal out to every man the consequences of his actions.

I can only think of the great travesty happening in the abortion clinics daily. Where’s the understanding and reactive concern for those defenseless, helpless babies as they are inhumanely euthanized in their mother’s womb?

Deluded, they believe the lie

1 Thess. 5; 2 Thess. 1,2

Often I wonder how those walking in darkness can’t see what’s so obvious to me … their position is so wrong and ridiculous.

Paul says God let’s them believe delusions. He allows them to revel on in their ignorance to eternal things and truths that will last forever. We pray for them, that God will turn “on” the light of revelation to them so that they can recover themselves from the grasp of the devil who has taken them captive at his will.

We stand ready to witness to them.

We keep praying!

Live to please God

1 Thessalonians 2-4

Our nature is to please ourselves. If we fall in love and marry, we want to please our mate. When we come to Christ to save us from sin and welcome us into the Family of God, our goal should be to please God.

The Bible says we become the bride of Christ, and He is our husband and provider. We live out our lives here on earth awaiting the day when He catches us up to meet Him in the air.

Until then, we contend and press in to know Him and please Him in every thought, word, and deed. He gave His life for us.


1 Thessalonians 1

The Gospel is much more than mere words. It’s much more than just the story of Jesus and what He did for us. It comes in the power of God.

When we share the good news of Christ with others, we must realize that when we do our part, God will do His. Sharing and witnessing is not our idea, it’s HIS. He thereby accompanies the message of the Gospel with the power of His Holy Ghost.

Effective evangelism pivots on this fact … God will support and prove His message to mankind with a supernatural display of power that convinces the unbelievers of His presence.

Pastor Larry Lea often said, “Read the red and pray for the power.”

Give wise answers

Colossians 4

Paul encouraged the believers at Colosse to very careful how they talk to unbelievers. He proposed words that were gracious and sprinkled with sensible insight, carefully chosen to respond appropriately to leave a healthy impression. David said, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord.”

In witnessing, an important principle is this … after you share with an individual, be careful to leave the water (their soul’s understanding of spiritual things) clearer and cleaner than you found it.

Jesus said, “Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” [Matt. 10:16]

Heaven’s paycheck

Col. 3

Paul directed Christians to do everything “heartily, as unto the Lord.” He then clarified that their reward for doing so would be in their “inheritance.” That speaks of a reward in the hereafter.

Rewards are not always immediate. When we labor, we do it for the right reasons regardless of the pay we receive. God is our owner and He will pay us what’s right. It can be said He is our debtor.

Think about it … who do you want to receive a reward from? … the generous God of Heaven, or an earthly boss who can’t see every effort and motive you employ?

Contend for the souls of people

Colossians 2

Paul described his passion for the spiritual growth of the saints at Colosse by using the word contend. Other translations say struggle for, engage in conflict over, work hard at, agonize over. These are expressions that express the energy he used in his prayers and efforts to see them grow in Christ and spiritual stability.

Is it possible that we are too laissez faire (willing to just let things take their natural course)? Probably.

Ask God to give you a burden for those on His heart. Then begin praying diligently for their soul.



Colossians 1

Christ Jesus is not one-third of God. He is the fullness. When you discuss God, you are not wise to use fractions. Christ was all God. The Amplified Bible describes fullness as being the sum total of His essence, all His perfection, powers, and attributes.

If you think you have God with no Jesus, you don’t have God. If you have Christ Jesus, you have the Heavenly Father.

He that has My commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves Me … and will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself unto him. [Jn. 14:21]

Credited to your account

Phil. 4

In his need, Paul was more concerned about the welfare of his disciples than he was about himself. THIS is mature Christianity.

He knew that if his disciples gave to help him in his time of need they would receive a reward at the Judgement Seat of Christ. So, that was his focus … their benefit.

As you grow with Christ and learn His ways, you naturally begin putting others first. You KNOW that Christ will take care of you, whatever your need. I have found this very true in my life.