Monthly Archives: September 2023

God is a gatherer

Is. 11 [The Message]

It’s God’s nature to gather. Godly leaders gather, the enemy scatters.

Christ said, “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me.” When Jesus is lifted up in your life, you will have a greater chance when you invite people to church.

Christ Jesus looks at all the wandering sheep who don’t have a Shepherd. He wants to gather them to Himself and continue forming His Church.

Be faithful to invite people to church.

God doesn’t overlook leadership faults

Is. 10 [The Message]

Too often leaders excuse their faults and see them as insignificant compared to the importance of their leadership contribution. The truth is, God holds them to a higher standard than others. [James 3:1]

The King of Assyria was a proud and boastful man. It is said he had a “stout heart” and “high looks.” The Lord said He would raise His whip against the Assyrian and deliver the people like He did in the Red Sea exodus.

Think of it … can you remember any corrupt leader that did not ultimately meet his demise at God’s hand?

Leaders are to be an example for their constituents. [1 Tim. 4:2]

No limits

Is 7-9 [The Message]

The King James says, “Of (Christ’s Kingdom), there shall be no end.” The Message puts it this way … His ruling authority will grow,  and there’ll be NO LIMITS to the wholeness He brings.”

We are always limiting God . Our unbelief is shameful, frankly. Our attitude limits a God Who has no limits. Maybe we should include the mention of His UNLIMITED power when we pray.

Take your stand in faith

Is. 7 [The Message]

The Lord spoke through Isaiah and said to King Ahaz of Judah,” If you don’t take your stand in faith, you won’t have a leg to stand on.”

Jerusalem was being taunted and threatened by the kings of Syria and Israel. Ahaz and all the people were very fearful. I can somewhat relate to the taunt because I was informed that my bone cancer is trying to come out of remission. I am being personally challenged to take my stand in faith. My trust is in the Lord and not in my medication or physician’s advice. I shall continue to take my medicine and do what they want me to do, but I TAKE MY STAND IN FAITH!

Holy, holy, holy

Is.3-6 [The Message]

Probably the most we use the term “holy” is when we say someone is “holier than thou.” We are greatly missing the importance and value of this word that we occasionally sing in a hymn.

When you get close to God’s inner presence as the prophet did, this word is the only one that can describe the fullness and quality of God. For us to “draw near to God,” we MUST take a greater interest in understanding what it is and how it is achieved.

A day coming

Is. 2 [The Message]

Please read this chapter TODAY! (May I recommend reading it in The Message) It is surely a keen insight into the moral and carnal climate in the earth today.

In the Day of the Lord (His Judgement, His revealing), all the values and life lessons we learned of in His Word will be more than worth it. Those who have been deceived by the idolatry and materialism of our society will be sorry they didn’t buy into the Bible’s message.

It’s easy to fall asleep to the lullaby of worldliness and overlook the harmfulness of sin.

God, help us begin to understand what it is to hate sin like You do.

Live the way we were made

Is. 2 [The Message]

Our bodies were not made for sin. They were made to be “Instruments of righteousness.” We are the commanders of our bodies and with the brain God gave us, we should use them to serve the Lord and His purposes.

Your body is the house you live in. It’s the car you drive. Take care of it.

My wife’s Lexus is not suited to go “mudding.” It prefers a warm garage (although all my junk is cluttered in there). It runs best on the p roper fuel (not junk food). I am forbidden to apply any of my artwork or stickers to it. It looks the best when it’s just cleaned up. It’s greatest value is when it is “all original.”

Sin – the main problem

Isaiah 1 [The Message]

Isaiah was a no-nonsense prophet who didn’t beat around the bush. In this, the first chapter of his prophecy, he identifies sin as God’s big displeasure with Israel despite their ambitious religious exercises and attempt toe be godly.

This is why Christ means so much to us. He took our sins upon Himself and gave true meaning to living a holy life.

Simultaneous sin with a religious life?!? Let’s let the Holy Spirit identify and purge our sin and trespasses so we can focus on doing God’s work.

Song of Songs

1-9 [The Message]

The Song of Songs (or Song of Solomon, Third king of Israel who was known for wisdom and building the first Temple More) is a unified collection of poetry on the theme of human love, following the relationship of a man and a woman from courtship and onward. This book has frequently been read as an allegory of God’s love for Israel (in Jewish communities) or of Christ’s love for the church and for individual believers (in Christian communities).

Fred Gaiser, Professor Emeritus of Old Testament, Luther Seminary

Eternal rest

Ecc. 10, 11 [The Message]

Who doesn’t like to rest? Rest is your reward after work. God rested. He gave us a day of rest … Sunday.

Heaven will be an eternal rest. Why do people fight the thought of going there? Makes no sense. We should exist to be of some value here on earth. It’s sad to be of no value to anyone. Solution: be of value, serve, complement others, give, enjoy your loved ones, show unconditional love especially to your family, work hard and accomplish significant tasks.

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. [1 Cor. 2:9]