Monthly Archives: September 2019

Crisis brings us to Prayer

Fighting crises with human tactics is worthless. When great troubles come, a wise and Godly man will resort to prayer. He knows that men’s help is vain, but God’s help can completely turn the tables.

David declared, in the midst of his torment from accusers, “I am a man of prayer.” Since men turned upon him, he knew his recourse was to cry out to God for help. “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.”

God wants us to call upon Him in our distress, but He would prefer that we maintain a daily walk and intimacy with Him so He could lead us in paths of righteousness.

READ/HEAR:  Ps. 107-109

Great Men Suffer

The Psalmist tells the story of the sufferings of Joseph who was ordained of God to be a deliverer of his people. Such a contradiction. It must have been difficult for him to endure the tricks of the enemy to discredit him and dissuade him from serving God. Nevertheless, he persisted in applying his energies to doing what was right to maintain his integrity.

His day of promotion and vindication finally came. Everyone then knew of the favor and grace God had gifted him with as they witnessed how he spared the nation of Egypt from the devastation the drought would have inflicted. Thank God he didn’t succumb to the enemy’s devices. ONLY through the help the Lord gave him did he endure and succeed.

READ/HEAR:  Ps. 105,106


Ongoing Blessings

It appears that the greatest gift I can give my descendants comes from my faith in God. The Psalmist clarifies:

But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children’s children;  [Ps. 103:17]

We are not even fully aware of the benefits that come through serving the Lord. This promise is far better than any health insurance policy or investment portfolio. Through reading God’s Word, we find out the details of the agreement. Because of God’s great love to us, we are indeed RICH.
READ/HEAR: Ps. 102-104

TV Filter

The Psalmist had no idea who LG, Samsung, or RCA was. He did have a visual code of ethics that said, “I will not even look at anything shameful. I hate all wrongdoing. I want no part of it!”  [101:3]

Now how did he know about TV?

It seems that much of what the TV producers broadcast falls into this category. It makes it a challenge for Christians to be able to enjoy some downtime watching the idiot box.

Would Jesus sit here and watch this?

READ/HEAR: Ps. 99-101

HE will judge the earth!

The political wranglings going on in Washington these days are exhausting. What’s true? Where have our traditional values gone? Who’s right? Is this all we’ve got to look forward to for the foreseeable future? STOP IT!

There IS a God in heaven Who will judge it all. He doesn’t always pay on Fridays, but He ALWAYS PAYS! God knows what’s really happening, and He will set everything straight. This is the hope we have for our futures, for our children. The only safe political posture to take is, “God is in control.”

Each of us needs to keep our personal integrity and do what’s right. It will all boil down to that anyway. The words to a popular gospel song read:

Troublesome times are here, filling men’s hearts with fear
Freedom we all hold dear now is at stake
Humbling your hearts to God saves from the chastening rod
Seek the way pilgrims trod, Christians awake
Jesus is coming soon, morning or night or noon
Many will meet their doom, trumpets will sound
All of the dead shall rise, righteous meet in the skies
Going where no one dies, heavenward bound.
READ/HEAR: Ps. 96-98

Bear Fruit in Old Age

The Psalmist declared that the righteous, those in right standing with God through Christ Jesus, would still be productive even when they are old. That makes me think of my parents.

David is 94 and Mildred is 91. I talk to them nearly every day. They are still so pleasant and fun talk to. They really minister to people. God brings the Hospice staff to their home multiple times a week. Dad will sing to each person while mom plays the piano or organ. The hospice chaplain, a young minister, asks dad theological questions. They have members of the family who respect their walk with the Lord visiting them for comfort and counsel. Old friends and church acquaintances call or visit to fellowship about the Lord. They still have a meaningful ministry.

I think of the hymn, “Trust and Obey:”

When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word,
What a glory He sheds on our way!
While we do His good will, He abides with us still, (even in old age)
And with all who will trust and obey.

READ/HEAR: Ps. 91-95

Only Love Satisfies

Steve Jobs, by all estimation, led one of the most productive lives of any human being ever. His genius brought to us the Apple line of computers and iphones. Yet, in his final days, his body destroyed by cancer, he expressed great regret that he had not spent more time investing in and receiving from the ones he loved. To the best of my knowledge, he never professed any relationship with God.

Moses declared, “Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.” [Ps. 90:14]

As I enter the twilight years of my life, I have assessed that all of life boils down to these things; Your relationship with God and who do you love and who loves you. Everything else pales in comparison. Praise the Lord, I enjoy His love through Christ Jesus, and I enjoy a wonderful family.

Assignment: assess how much time you have left and focus on God and your loved ones. Then, share this message with everyone you can.


Revive Us Again

The Psalmist had this cry upon his heart … revive us, Lord. He counted on the Lord to hear those who fear Him.

The needed revival in America is not dependent upon the politicians, nor the media, nor the education system. It depends solely on “Those that fear the Lord.”

“If MY PEOPLE, who are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.  [2 Chron. 7:14]

God’s people need to REFUSE to give up our nation to anyone or anything apart from the control of the Lord Jesus Christ.

READ/HEAR: Ps. 85-89

Generation to Generation

God’s plan is for the perpetuation of His Kingdom through families. His enemy’s plan is to destroy Godly seed. [Gen. 3:15]

God wants parents to train up their children in His Ways and present the Gospel through their testimony and the culture of their home. In this way, a Godly culture in the home is perpetuated and descendants reap the benefits of obedience to the Lord’s commands.

When Godliness travels through the generations, there is an accumulation of Holy Spirit inertia that compounds the ministry potential of children. [2 Tim. 1:5]

READ/HEAR: Ps. 79-84

Teach Your Children

God holds parents responsible to teach their children about Him and His ways. In fact, He actually commands them to.

The home is, or should be, the most trusted environment a child will have. There a child should experience the Godly concepts of fatherhood, love, nurture, security, provision, order, cleanliness, health etc. In this setting, God wants parents to tell the Bible stories of accounts of His greatness and ability so children can begin trusting Him themselves.

Patterns of behavior are established in the home long before a child goes to school. Parents have the option of placing their children in private Christian schools that reflect and augment the prevailing values of the home.  A private Christian education is one of the wisest investments a parent can make. Often, grandparents who understand the value of such an education assist in the financial resources needed to pay tuition to such institutions. Again, a very wise investment.

READ/HEAR: Ps. 76-78