Prayer results

Luke 18 [NIV Dramatized Audio]

(I can’t bear to pass this passage up. It’s one of the great4st scripturas on persistent prayer in the Bible.)

Jesus’ story about the unjust judge giving the persistent widow what she wanted gives us hope for answered prayer. Some key factors:

  • Jesus highlighted “day and night” consistency in prayer. When you’re laying in bed trying to go to sleep is a GREAT TIME to attack your prayer list.
  • Rapid results … “He (God)will surely hurry and help them.”

If you’re NOT getting the rapid results you need, check on the frequency of your prayer. The Lord is essentially giving us the green light to “nag” Him on the issues for which we need results.

Prioritize your prayer items and begin storming heaven on them. Give God no rest. He’s always awake.

Handling worldly wealth

Luke 15, 16 [NIV Dramatized Audio]

Jesus spoke often about money and how to handle it. Here the the elemental things you can do with it.

  • Earn it -by the sweat of your brow [Gen. 3:19]
  • Waste it – in riotous living [[Luke 15:13]
  • Save it – hide it or put it in the bank [Matt. 25:18]
  • Invest it – in the stock market or in business ventures [Matt. 25:16]
  • Give it away – to those in need or to God’s Kingdom

Christ said you can, “make friends for yourselves using worldly riches. Then, when those things are gone, you will be welcomed in that home that continues forever. [Luke 16:9 ICB]
I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive. [Acts 20:35]

Invite the poor, the lame

Luke 13, 14 [NIV Dramatized Audio]

While at the Redneck Gourmet for breakfast with the ROMEOS (Retired Old Men Eating Out) I met Curtiss. He has a speech impediment so he’s very hard to understand. He also walks with a distinct limp, sort of dragging one of his feet as he walks. Yes, he is a professional panhandler, and quite good at it, but he’s been disadvantaged probably his whole life. I try to give him a ride where he needs to go when our breakfast is done.

He is one who would be invited to the banquet described in Luke 13. God gives us the chance to be good to those who have it rough. He would be given a prominent seat at the great banquet referred to in this chapter.

Be on the lookout for the Curtisses in life. They are out there.

He calls me “Dad.”

Whatever you ask, you shall receive

Luke 11, 12 [NIV Dramatized Audio]

Jesus said, “ For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” [Luke 11:10]

With an offer like this, we are living way below our privilege if we don’t tale advantage. I’m guilty of neglecting to pray and ask for my own physical needs. It occurred to me that I can and should apply the same diligence to praying for myself as I do for the requests and well-being of others.

My right foot has been swollen and painful for months now. Please join me in prayer.

Forgiveness is critical

Luke 10 [NIV Dramatized Audio]

When Jesus taught His Disciples to pray, He instructed them to say, “Forgive us our [sins] AS we forgive those who sin against us.” He made it clear that for God to forgive us, we MUST forgive others.

Forgiveness is much easier to accomplish when you don’t accumulate a big case against someone ie. if you constantly dwell on how they have offended you, you will have built up a big load of hate and revenge that will be difficult to forgive.

Make the quality decision to be an instant forgiver. The moment thoughts otherwise begin, erase them with instant forgiveness. Keep the account clean. Don’t add up offenses. Forgive every little hurt.

My grandmother was a lover/forgiver. In her presence you were accepted. She probably learned to be a good forgiver because she lived with my grandpa. He was a character in his younger days.


Let the dead bury the dead

Luke 9 [NIV Dramatized Audio]

In 1980 I was landing at the Port Au Prince airport in Haiti with a mission team from our church. We were there to minister to the people.

Upon landing at the airport, I received the news that my grandmother had passed away. With the news, my father sent this scripture to tell me that I should continue on my trip and not try to come home for the funeral.

“Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.” [Luke 8:60]

We were accompanied by a great, well-known Nigerian preacher, Benson Idohosa. He prayed for a deaf and dumb man who the Lord healed and all the people who knew of the man’s condition began clapping and shouting. I had set up the sound system for that street meeting.

Are you good ground?

Luke 7, 8 [NIV Dramatized Audio]

Jesus’ teaching on ground conditions:

  • Ground along the path – easy to be trampled upon and easy for birds (the devil) to snatch up planted seed.
  • Rocky ground – has no moisture to grow a plant. They have no root.
  • Thorny ground – the cares, riches, and worries of life choke out the life of the plant.
  • Good ground –  those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.

Christ’s compassion

Luke 6, 7 [NIV Dramatized Audio]

While listening to chapter 7, I was impressed by the compassion Jesus showed to a widow who was grieving the death of her only son. Observing the scene, Jesus walked up to the bier, method of carrying the dead, and told the person to get up. HE DID! He restored her son to comfort her heart. We all know how much mothers love their children, and to lose one is almost unbearable.

This is the Jesus we serve. He has great compassion. To be Christ’s followers, we also should manifest similar compassion.

Where are the fish?

Luke 5 [NIV Dramatized Audio]

Fishermen are always in search of a good fishing spot. The location, time of day, weather conditions, type of bait, depth of the water etc. They want to know so they can catch some fish, the bigger the better.

Jesus KNOWS where the fish are. He told Simon Peter to cast in his net right HERE … and there was a catch almost too big for the net. Jesus knew.

My point: allow God to show you where to fish for men. Listen to the Holy Spirit to witness to people. He will make us “fishers of men.”

Favor upon your children

Luke 2-4 [NIV Dramatized Audio]

Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.

God puts His favor upon His children. Your children are His children. You will see His favor upon those you love. Also, if they receive your daily prayer support, they will experience it the more. God will bless them in ways that money can’t buy. You can’t look ahead and predict how it will happen, but you can certainly look back and see it.

Especially if you are a grandparent, it’s your job to provide a thick prayer covering for them as they navigate life. What else are grandparents good for? $$$(?!)