Monthly Archives: March 2023

Enemies destroyed before you

1 Chron. 17 [The Message]

This promise was to David and to his son, but prophetically to Christ and His followers … God will mow down all our enemies as we watch. We are engaged in a warfare that’s not typical. Our weapons are not for self defense / they are offensive and they are spiritual. No guns in this army. We lift up our voice in praise to God and HE consumes our enemies. There is NO TIME in the Bible where God has failed to defend His own. He ALWAYS comes through.

How does this translate? When we are confronted with an enemy attack, we withdraw and lift our hands to God in praise and prayer and acknowledge His greatness OVER our enemies and watch Him work. All of the Psalmist’s references to victory in battle belong to us when we praise the Lord and exalt His greatness above our enemy.

 Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand;  To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people;  To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron;  To execute upon them the judgment written: THIS HONOR BELONGS TO ALL THE SAINTS. (this honour have all his saints). Praise ye the Lord. [Ps. 149:6-9]

Day and night

1 Chron. 16. [The Message]

There’s a popular new praise chorus in churches today which says, “Day and night, night and day let incense arise.” This captures the essence of David’s command to the Levites and children of Israel. He wanted the Tabernacle worship to reflect his personal devotion to God.

A big reason for having your devotions in the morning is that it gives you the chance to continue throughout the entire day. God does not shut off his communication and presence with us. He maintains his loving awareness and support and help to us on a 24-hour basis. It makes sense to reciprocate by giving him our heart, our praise, and our prayers around the clock.

Proper preparation

1 Chron. 15 [The Message]

King David required the Levites to make proper preparation to bring the Ark back to Zion. His failure to employ the proper tribe resulted in the death of Uzza. It was a bitter lesson to learn. It motivated him to seek the due order for moving the Ark. Proper preparation was made.

For New Testament worship leaders and musicians, proper preparation is also important. Yes, our sincerity is vital, but to approach the God of the Universe with no preparation can be construed as presumption. In my opinion, the worship leaders should have skill and do rehearsals. Above all, the integrity and spiritual preparation they offer is critical to sustaining a praise and worship ministry that pleases God and inspires the saints. Our preparation is giving God a house to live in, our lives a spiritual sacrifice.

Thou art holy, O Thou that inhabitest the praises of Thy people. [Ps. 22:3]

Preserving Reverence

1 Chron. 13. [The Message]

As David and all Israel began returning the ark to Jerusalem, the oxen stumbled and the ark was in danger of sliding off the cart. Uzza reached out to stabilize the ark but was immediately smitten dead by God because he was not of the proper tribe to handle the ark. This may seem to be trivial and misunderstood, but it shows that people can try to serve the Lord on their terms rather than on his.

Our guide book for Christian conduct that pleases God is His Word. When one follows the teachings of Jesus and Paul and other New testament authors who were inspired by God, one serves God with the due reverence.

The most effective way to teach reverence to your family is to model it yourself. When children see their parents faithful in church attendance, openly and sincerely praying, openly reading the Bible, and performing works of Christian service, they learn reverence. Our goal is for them to give their hearts to Christ and then raise their children with the same values and reverence. This is God’s plan.

Understanding the times

1 Chron. 11,12 [The Message]

Men from the tribe of Issachar were reputed to have understood the times. Nearly all the translations and paraphrases also add the expression, “They knew what Israel should do.” When we need to know WHAT to do, we usually seek an expert and pay them for their advice. For instance, I need help on my taxes this year so I have contacted a Christian CPA to guide me through the process.

King Saul lost his life and his crown because he sought the counsel of the witch at Endor rather than pray and ask God what to do. [1Sam.28:7] This displeased the Lord greatly. We too can understand the times by praying and asking for God’s guidance on the life issues we confront. Try it!

Being an Armor-bearer

1 Chron. 10 [The Message]

King Saul after he was mortally wounded, asked his armor bearer to finish him off. The young man refused out of reverence and fear. He just couldn’t do any harm to the man he served and guarded.

Such is the nature of armor bearers. They protect and serve. In a sense, they are students of their master. Timothy was an armor bearer to Paul. Elisha was an armor bearer to Elijah. Christ’s disciples were armor bearers to Jesus.

I believe God puts it in the heart of such individuals to serve under and learn from significant Christian leaders. When they serve with integrity and loyalty, they will one day also have an armor bearer.

Skilled and seasoned priests

1 Chron. 7-9 [The Message]

Church music and worship, in my opinion, should be done with excellence. Sincerity and earnestness of heart is most important, but we should do what we can to make a praise offering the best we can. King David left us many expressions that communicated a quest for excellence in priestly worship. He said, “Sing unto him a new song; play skilfully with a loud noise.” [Ps. 33:3] When offered a free piece of property for the Lord’s purposes, he insisted on paying for it. He said, “I will not offer to the Lord that which costs me nothing.”

When I was a young man, our church had very spirited and sincere song services (c.1971). I had a desire to see church music be done with as much excellence as possible, without becoming an idol itself. So, I went to music school to prepare a ministry in music. Four years later I was the choir director and worship leader at our church in Findlay, Ohio. Patty and I have had a fruitful life of serving God’s kingdom in music and praise and worship.

Give God the glory due unto His Name.

Pass on your Anointing

1 Chron. 6 [The Message]

Israelite lineage accounts make it clear that a man’s sons would follow in his footsteps for a vocation, especially if he was a priest. The priesthood calling was a family thing and not a result of your major at the university.

I have spent most of my ministry life in worship and music. Interestingly, none of my children have followed in my vocation. But, most important to me is that they love and serve the Lord. THIS they do. The calling is up to God, not the parents. Scripture is clear though that a parent should teach his children to love God and live according to His ways.

I know my father was pleased that I was in ministry. He was an electrical contractor and I never felt any inclination or interest in that line of work. It’s primarily the “Touch of God” we should want for our children.

Maintaining Family Culture

1 Chron, 5 [The Message]

When I toured Israel several years ago, I distinctly remember driving past a nomadic Bedouin abode, a very large black goats-hair tent which was the residence of a large family. It was a culture shock to me. Why hadn’t this family moved on and constructed a modern home to live in? Obviously, their family culture and tradition were more important to them than what I thought about their lifestyle. I actually commend them for carrying on the tradition of their forefathers.

If your ancestors were horse thieves or moonshiners, none of us would think you should carry-on their tradition. But, if there is a Godly history or family tradition that honors the Lord, capitalize on THAT!

I easily think about my two grandmothers who were both Godly women. What they stood for, what they endured for Christ, these are the qualities worth passing along to our offspring. I want my grandchildren to know about them and the experience they had with the Lord. When families get together, it’s a good time to remember the ancestors and what they stood for.

Request your blessing

1 Chron. 2-4 [The Message]

The Prayer of Jabez was made popular by the Bruce Wilkinson book of the same name in 2000. It has received its due in attention and has affected the prayers of many. It’s no secret that God has promised blessing to His Children, and actually teaches us about Himself through how He answers our prayers. One big tip: ask for ways to expand and augment the Kingdom of God. Also, it’s no sin to ask for HELP!

James makes it clear that we should avoid asking for the wrong things.

[Or] you do ask [God for them] and yet fail to receive, because you ask with wrong purpose and evil, selfish motives. Your intention is [when you get what you desire] to spend it in sensual pleasures. [ James 4:3 AMPC]