What’s in a name?

Matthew 1 [NIV Dramatized]

Matthew begins his gospel with the genealogy of Jesus. Each name listed gives significance to each person whose family reputation contributed to Christ’s earthly beginning. Realize that His actual Father was God and Joseph’s blood was not Christ’s. The blood Jesus shed at His execution was derived from the Holy Spirit of God Who gave Christ’s mother conception.

His name was given to Joseph by one of God’s angels who said, “His name shall be Jesus.” It meant Emmanuel, God with us.

Loving parents generally give their children a name that has significance, either from the family or to positively influence the destiny of that child. When Patty delivered our third child, he seemed so peaceful so we gave him the name Jeffrey which means peaceful. My name was my father’s middle name. Little did we know that our son Mark would marry a Julie, and our firstborn daughter Julie would marry a Mark.

Johnny Cash sang a song about a boy named “Sue.” He developed a toughness because of the harassment he received having a girl’s name. When he finally met his father, He asked, “Dad, why did you name me Sue?” His dad responded, “This is a rough world, and I knew that name would prepare you to handle adversity.” Here’s a recording of that song. (Please pardon some of the crude language.)

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