Monthly Archives: September 2023

I’m guilty

Ecc. 10 [The Message]

Solomon says, “Don’t badmouth your leaders.” [v. 20]

Sad to say, I’m guilty of this one. It doesn’t help one bit if I talk down about the man in the White House. It also makes it more difficult for him to do his job when there is so much backtalk.

Instead, I commit to praying for him instead. If I thinks he’s wrong on an issue, my prayer has a much better chance of helping than my criticism.

Each day is a gift

Ecc. 8, 9 [The Message]

How many days have you wasted? Me, plenty.

When we stop and think about the opportunities each day brings, we are wise to make the most of it.

Since I have retired and with the limited energy I have because of my age and the side-effects of my blood cancer, I can’t do in a day what I used to. In fact, if I get one significant thing done each day, I don’t consider it a wash. Nevertheless, it was a gift and I value it.

If our lives can have some meaningful impact on someone else in the day, It’s profitable. If fact, if we start each day with the prayer, “Lord, let me be a blessing and help to someone today,” we are on the way to having a fruitful day.

Let’s all do it right now!

A good reputation

Ecc. 4-7 [The Message]

“A good reputation is better than a fat bank account.”

Are you concerned about how many will attend your funeral? I sort of am.

Being wealthy will not bring more admirers. In fact, if a person is stingy and self-centered, I can guarantee that their later days will be lonely. But, if they are noted for being friendly and generous, there will be a crowd.

I must hereby tell the story of my Grandma Harris. She had six kids and hardly ever left the kitchen of her very modest home. Her cooking, coffee, and loving conversation were irresistible. She was NEVER down on you. In the dictionary, her picture is next to “Unconditional love.” In the procession traveling from the funeral home to the cemetery, I counted over a hundred vehicles. Next month I will attend a Harris family cousin’s reunion. I can guarantee that many conversations will be about her. Although her outward appearance was very modest, she was one of the most Godly, beautiful women in the world to me.


Ecc. 3 [The Message]

Solomon points up that timing is critical. There is a right time, so there must also be a wrong time or a so-so time. In sports, good timing is everything. In investing, timing can make or break you. How do we hope to hit it right in life?

First of all, God’s timing is never wrong. He sits King over all time and sees it as a continuum. It’s as if He has a book in front of Him and He can turn to any page He’d like. If so, we should take our cues from Him. Being led of the Spirit, acting according to the faith He has allotted, responding in obedience to His Voice and His Word … these are keys to functioning with good timing.

When in doubt, we should ask Him for His wisdom about our timing.

If you want to know what God wants you to do, ask him, and he will gladly tell you, for he is always ready to give a bountiful supply of wisdom to all who ask him; he will not resent it. [James 1:5 TLB]

Solomon spares us the grief

Ecc. 2 [The Message]

(The song is yet to come. Couldn’t pull it all together yet. Stay tuned.)

Solomon openly acknowledges that he “Did it all” in his quest for the meaning and fulfillment of life. He spared no expense in pursuing the ultimate life of pleasure and accomplishment. In effect he is saying, “I did it. You don’t have to. Here is the result; It’s all smoke and vanity!”

The Apostle Paul also comes to the same conclusion. He called it all “dung” [Phil. 3:8] and gladly traded it in for what he found in Christ, “In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” [Col. 2:3]

A new song

4:00 a.m., Sept. 15, 2023

Dennis Jernigan said he was a song-receiver, not a song writer. Me too.

This morning at c.4:00 a.m. I was in a dream whereby I was about to lead worship (I did it for nearly 30 years) at a church. The pianist (whom I knew) and I were taking the cover off the piano when this began coming to me. I knew it was fresh manna from the Lord and could be used that morning. So, I woke up and wrote it down. (You should do the same when you receive from the Lord.)

Thank You, thank you Lord; I have been restored. I’ve been changed by Your sweet love. Thank You, thank you Lord.

Thank You for the Blood; thank You for the Blood. I’ve been cleansed from all my sin. Thank You for the Blood.

Thank You for the stripes. Thank You for the stripes. I was healed when You were beaten. Thank You for Your stripes.

Thank You for the Word; thank You for the Word. It’s my daily Bead to eat. Thank You for Your Word.

Thank the Holy Ghost; thank the Holy Ghost. I will follow every day. Thank Your Holy Ghost.

Thank You for the Church. I’m a living stone. I now take my rightful place. Thank You for Your Church.

Thank You for the Hope; I will live for aye. Your New Heaven and New Earth will always be my home.


I hope to find someone at the church today to help me with the chords and maybe a recording. If I can get it done, I will try to include it on tomorrow’s tcsdevos post.

One sad individual

Ecc. 1 [The Message]

Solomon was one sad individual. Here he was the “wisest, richest, most powerful” king in the world. To hear his summation of life in this book is really depressing. We wonder if King David did a lousy job in raising him. (Vanity – all is vanity)

The point: if you want your kids to turn out good, don’t give them EVERYTHING!

Husbands, give words of praise

Pr. 31:28, 29 [The Message, KJV]

 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.  Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.

Interestingly, Eugene Peterson links verse 29 to 28 as being a compliment paid to the wife from the husband. I’ve never looked at it that way, but I buy it.

In essence, a husband who praises his wife is raising the ceiling on her performance and function. He says, “Honey, U Da Bes!”

I know from experience that it works MUCH BETTER than criticism.

Social workers, read this

Phil. 4:4 (The Message)

I’m very proud of my grandson Caleb. He’s working on a master’s degree in social work. When I read the following verse, I thought of him.

Celebrate God all day, every day. I mean, revel in him! Make it as clear as you can to all you meet that you’re on their side, working with them and not against them. Help them see that the Master is about to arrive. He could show up any minute!

Kudos to Caleb and anyone in a profession that helps people. It’s more rewarding to help others than it is to be helping yourself all the time!

Speak out for justice

Pr. 30,31 [The Message]

“Speak up for the people who have no voice,
    for the rights of all the misfits.
Speak out for justice!
    Stand up for the poor and destitute!”

What person has less voice than the unborn? Respectfully “Speak out.”

We had a missionary from Budapest Hungary Sunday morning who is targeting the gypsy population there. They seem to be societal misfits. He appears to be doing what he can. Bravo for him!

I have a poor friend named Curtis who has a severe speech impediment. I am trying to stand up for him.

They’re all around us … misfits – poor – destitute … Don’t worry, if you ask God, He will point them out.