The Look

The eye is the window to the soul. God made us and He gave us instructions on how to navigate life successfully. He even instructed us on how to aim our eyes so we could guard what came into our soul that might destroy us.

The tassels on the hem of the priest’s garment were to be a focus for the eyes. [Num. 15:39] As the priest steadied his eyes on the tassels, he kept his eyes from lusting for what else he might see.

Job made a  covenant with his eyes to not look lustfully upon a woman. [Job 31:1] David said he would not set any wicked thing in front of his eyes. [Ps. 101:3]

Hebrews instructed the NT Christian about the ultimate solution …  to fix their focus on Christ. [Heb. 12:2]

READ/LISTEN: Is. 56-58

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